Monday, March 28, 2011


Hye you all..seyesly dah berkurun xupdate blog. Kind of busy lately. Based on the title, I nak share something. Tolak-ansur is something yang penting dalam sesuatu perhubungan. Agree with me? Don't care lah you all agree or not. Yang penting I believe that bertolak-ansur tu penting in any relationship. The first example is antara ibu dan anak. Tapi mostly ibu lah yang paling bertolak-ansur. Ape jek yang kita nak mesti dye try dapat kan, x kisah lah ape pun yang jadi. Yang penting anak dye happy. 
The second example is, between adik beradik. Waktu I kecik, selalu sangat dengar parents I cakap camni:
"Eh,beralah jelah. Dye kan adik." Seyesly I memang benci bila parents I cakap camtu. But now, I dah tahu sebab ape. I bet you all pun tahu.
Third example, between you and your boyfriend/girlfriend. If x de tolerate dalam relationship, boleh ke you all jadi pasangan yang bahagia??I don't think so. One of you must be tolerate. Example ni xyah explain sangat kot. B'coz it dah terang lagi bersuluh.
The last example is between FRIENDS. Seyesly, kawan adalah orang yang sentiasa ada disisi kite selain parents. So, if nak jage hubungan antara kawan kite, better be tolerate. Kalo kawan2 you all xnak tolerate ngan you all, it's ok. But you all must be tolerate with them, it because you love them!
The conclusion is, dengan sape pun kite menjalinkan hubungan, tak kire lah pasangan songsang or what. BERTOLAK-ANSUR is the most important thing in relationship. Even bile si dia buat salah, just forgive her/him. B'coz it shows that you'll be tolerate b'coz you love them and you want them in 'ur lyfe..

p/s: "If you don't call me all day I'll understand. When you don't text me all day I'll understand. When I stop loving you I hope you understand"

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Berkurun tak update...

Fuhh..Sumpah lame gile xupdate blog ni..Mau bersawang-sawang ni..By the way bukan nye saje2 xupdate blog ni, busy sangat la..Since naek cuti CNY ni busy with test and assignment..Actually macam-macam bende yang nak dicoretkan, tapi rase macam tak cukup satu malam nak story..Erm, nanti2 lah story ek..Buat masa sekarang ni memang busy giler!! yang penting rindu giler kat bebudak BATCH 0509....